Ljubljana Office


Odvetniška pisarna PETERKA & PARTNERS – Podružnica v Sloveniji

Trdinova ulica 4
1000 Ljubljana

+386 516 255 88

ID (MŠ): 9788999000   Tax No (DŠ): 86660829

Contact email: florjancic@peterkapartners.si

Law Office PETERKA & PARTNERS - Slovenian Branch is registered with the court register of the District Court in Ljubljana under registration number 2024/36390 and with the directory of attorneys-at-law of the Bar Association of Slovenia.

Professional rules applicable to attorneys at law and law firms are accessible at the web page of the Slovenian Bar Association: https://www.odv-zb.si/odvetniska-zbornica/predpisi/zakon-o-odvetnistvu-neuradno-precisceno-besedilo/.

Odvetniška pisarna PETERKA & PARTNERS - Podružnica v Sloveniji je vpisana v sodni register Okrožnega sodišča v Ljubljani pod registrsko številko 2024/36390 in v imenik odvetniških družb pri Odvetniški zbornici Slovenije.

Poklicna pravila o delovanju odvetnikov in odvetniških družb so dostopna na povezavi: https://www.odv-zb.si/odvetniska-zbornica/predpisi/zakon-o-odvetnistvu-neuradno-precisceno-besedilo/.

Key People

Florjančič Požeg Vancaš  Pia

Senior Associate, Head of the Office for Slovenia





  • Under the applicable rules of the Slovenian Bar Association, we are not allowed to disclose the names of our clients in Slovenia.

    A selection, on a no-name basis, of some of our clients in Slovenia may be found below.

Latest News



As the content of the local web site is subject to prior approval of the Romanian bar,
this page is not available at the moment. We apologize for inconveniences.

Web stranica PETERKA & PARTNERS odvjetničko društvo d.o.o.
Trg Nikole Zrinskog 16, Zagreb, telefon: +385 99 4585181 / haramija@peterkapartners.hr
OIB: 61481916494, upisano u sudski registar Trgovačkog suda u Zagrebu pod MBS: 081482808,
direktor: Ondřej Peterka,
temeljni kapital: HRK 350 000,00 / EUR 46 452,98 (fiksni tečaj konverzije 7,53450; uplaćen u cijelosti),
IBAN: HR3523600001103046783, otvoren kod Zagrebačka banka d.d., Zagreb, Trg bana Josipa Jelačića 10
je u izradi


Website of PETERKA & PARTNERS law firm Ltd.
Trg Nikole Zrinskog 16, Zagreb, tel. contact: +385 994585181 / haramija@peterkapartners.hr
PIN: 61481916494, registered in Commercial Register of Commercial Court in Zagreb under MBS: 081482808,
director: Ondřej Peterka,
shared capital: HRK 350 000,00 / EUR 46 452,98 (fixed conversation rate 7,53450; paid in full),
IBAN: HR3523600001103046783, opened at Zagrebačka banka d.d., Zagreb, Trg bana Josipa Jelačića 10
is under construction